As a local food and resource assistance hub, C3 Food Pantry relies on a team of committed community volunteers as well as the regular support and involvement of churches, individuals, businesses, community groups and non-profit organizations. We are thankful for the incredible support we receive through in-kind donations, volunteering and funding.
Every dollar donated goes towards the operating costs of the pantry (pantry building rental, maintenance, utilities and one part-time wage). In Oregon, 1 in 10 people face hunger, while the average cost of a meal is $3.32 []. For a $30 donation to C3 Food Pantry you can help provide a family of four with a food box that contains food for 3 to 4 days, or the equivalent of 9 to 12 meals. Your support allows us to directly provide food and assistance to thousands of families every year. To learn more about our community impact, visit the Impact page.